Customizing Your Psychology Degree

Psychology is a diverse field and attracts students with varied interests.  We encourage all psychology majors to pursue their interests through careful planning of their psychology and non-psychology coursework, participation in experiential learning opportunities, and study abroad.

Here are just some ways our majors can shape their experience at Providence College:

  • Do an off-campus internship.  Sophomore and junior psychology majors can earn course credit toward the major for working as an intern 8-10 hours/week.
  • Get involved in research. Psychology majors often serve as research assistants in laboratories on- and off-campus. Students working in on-campus labs can earn course credit toward the major.
  • Double-major or earn a minor in a related field.  The psychology major allows plenty of freedom for students to explore other interests, like education, business, and public service.
  • Independent Study. Under the guidance of a faculty member, students can create and carry out their own project.

After Graduation

Our majors go on to work, study, and serve in a wide variety of fields.  Recent graduates have committed to years of service to organizations like Capuchin Youth & Family Ministries or Teach for America; have entered the workforce as teachers, sales associates, and research assistants; and have been accepted into graduate programs in Marriage and Family Therapy, Speech Language and Pathology, Behavioral Neuroscience, and Developmental Psychology.